The narrative of the Ramayana unfolds across diverse landscapes, each holding its own significance in the epic tale of Bhagavan Sri Rama's exile. These places, sanctified by the footsteps of Rama, Sita, and Lakshman, have become sacred pilgrimage sites for believers, forming a spiritual map deeply ingrained in Hindu tradition.
Shringaverapura (Near Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh): Bhagavan
Sri Rama, Mata Sita, and Lakshman first encountered Guha, a friend of King
Dasharatha, in Shringaverapura. This region is believed to be close to
Prayagraj, the holy city where the rivers Ganga, Saraswati, and Yamuna
converge. The hermitage of Sage Bharadwaja in Prayagraj continues to be a
revered pilgrimage spot.
Chitrakoot (Border of Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh):
Rama sought refuge in Chitrakoot, a region near the border of Uttar Pradesh and
Madhya Pradesh, during his exile. It was in Chitrakoot that Bharata came to
meet Rama, showcasing the emotional and familial aspects of the epic.
Chhattisgarh (Possibly Shivrinarayana): During his exile, Rama spent time in the state of Chhattisgarh, and it is believed that the place where he met Shabari could be Shivrinarayana. These locations continue to be significant for devotees.
Panchavati (Near Nashik, Maharashtra): Panchavati, where
Rama built his abode, is usually identified as being near Nashik in
Maharashtra. The site is revered for its association with Mata Sita. Ravana Kidnapped Mata Sita here.
Kishkindha (Near Hampi, Karnataka): Kishkindha, the kingdom
of the monkey king Sugriva, is said to be near Hampi in Karnataka. The Lake
Pampa, associated with the Ramayana, is also believed to be in this region.
Rameswaram (Tamil Nadu): Finally, Rama reached Rameswaram in
Tamil Nadu, from where he crossed the ocean to reach Lanka. Rameswaram remains
one of the holiest pilgrimage sites for Hindus, and the bridge built by the
monkey army, known as Adam's Bridge or Rama Setu, is said to connect Rameswaram
to Sri Lanka.
The path of Rama's exile, traversing through these diverse
regions, symbolizes the sacred journey of devotion and righteousness. For
believers, retracing these steps or visiting these sacred sites holds deep
spiritual significance, contributing to the rich tapestry of Hindu mythology
and culture.