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Ayodhya Means Where There Is No conflict

Ayodhya means where there is no war – a place free from conflict. Ayodhya is the city of Bhagavan Sri Rama – dharma personified. He is truth – the Supreme Truth. He is the protector of all living beings and of Dharma. Peace and happiness in the world can happen only when we are ready to embrace the teachings of Bhagavan Sri Rama – the teaching is so simple but very very difficult to follow – to see divine in all animate and inanimate. All living beings are One. A world without intolerance, hate, plunder, greed and discrimination. When these teachings of Bhagavan Sri Rama is followed the entire world will then become Ayodhya.

Bhagavan Sri Rama is the seventh avatar of Bhagavan Vishnu and is celebrated and venerated as an embodiment of dharma (righteousness) and truth. He was born in Ayodhya. His life and teachings, as depicted in the ancient Hindu epic, the Ramayana, serve as a timeless guide for moral and ethical conduct.

Rama's commitment to dharma is evident in various aspects of his life. One of the most renowned incidents is his adherence to his father King Dasharatha's promise and his subsequent exile to the forest for fourteen years. Despite being the rightful heir to the throne of Ayodhya, Rama willingly accepted his exile, showcasing his unwavering commitment to honor his father's words and fulfill his duties as a son. This happened in Ayodhya. There was no war in the name of throne in Ayodhya. There was no room for selfishness and self-centeredness.

Throughout his exile, Rama demonstrated impeccable character and virtuous behavior. His unwavering devotion to his wife, Sita, and his strict adherence to the principles of dharma even in the face of adversity make him a symbol of righteousness. The abduction of Sita by the demon king Ravana led Rama on a quest to rescue her, embodying his duty to protect the innocent and uphold justice.

Rama's association with the wise and noble Hanuman, who played a crucial role in the search for Sita and the battle against Ravana, further emphasizes the importance of loyalty, selfless service, and the pursuit of truth in the face of challenges. The Ramayana, attributed to the sage Valmiki, is replete with instances that highlight Rama's commitment to righteousness and the ethical dilemmas he faced.

In the epic, Rama's reign as the ideal king of Ayodhya is characterized by justice, compassion, and prosperity. His governance reflects the principles of dharma, where he prioritizes the welfare of his subjects and ensures the well-being of all living beings under his rule.

Bhagavan Sri Rama did not plunder, he did not conquer, he never showed any intolerance towards the conquered, he respected even his enemies, whatever he had won justly in battle was given away to its rightful owners.

The character of Bhagavan Sri Rama serves as an eternal source of inspiration for millions, emphasizing the significance of adhering to dharma, upholding truth, and protecting the righteous. His life and teachings continue to guide individuals on the path of righteousness and serve as a moral compass in navigating the complexities of life.

For a better tomorrow, we need to put the teachings of Bhagavan Sri Rama into practice. For all living beings nourish and flourish we need to bring back the Ayodhya of Bhagavan Sri Rama.