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Avesti – Vedic Sacrifice

The Avesti or Aveshti is indeed a significant Vedic sacrificial ritual, categorized as a minor 'isti' ceremony within the broader framework of Vedic sacrifices. It is part of the ishti group, which comprises rituals involving four priests and is distinct from the more elaborate Somayagas. The Avesti can be conducted either as a subordinate rite within a larger Rajasuya sacrifice or as an independent ritual.

During the Avesti, the primary offering consists of purodasas, which are rice dumplings. These purodasas are offered to appease Agni, the sacred fire, and other deities associated with the cardinal directions. The ritual acknowledges the divine forces that govern different quarters, seeking their blessings and protection.

One notable aspect of the Avesti ceremony is the variety of fees or offerings presented. Gold holds particular significance among these offerings, emphasizing its importance in the sacrificial process. The act of contributing gold as part of the ritual serves both as a symbol of wealth and prosperity and as a tangible offering to the deities invoked during the ceremony.

Whether performed independently or as part of a larger Rajasuya sacrifice, the Avesti holds a distinct place in Vedic tradition. It exemplifies the intricate and symbolic nature of Vedic rituals, which seek to establish a connection between the human and divine realms through precise ceremonies, offerings, and invocations.