The Aulukya Darshana, also known as the Vaisheshika system of philosophy, traces its origins to the sage Kanada, the founder of this school of thought. The name "Kanada" itself is derived from his practice of sustaining himself on grains picked up from agricultural fields (where 'kana' means grain, and 'ad' means to eat). Legend has it that Kanada, driven by a profound desire for knowledge, undertook rigorous austerities to seek the grace of Shiva.
In recognition of his unwavering devotion and deep faith,
Shiva is said to have appeared before Kanada in the form of an owl, imparting
the teachings of the Vaisheshika philosophy. This mystical encounter led to the
alternative name of this philosophical system – 'Aulukya-darshana,' signifying
the philosophy revealed by Shiva in the guise of an 'uluka' or owl.
The Vaisheshika Darshana, as elucidated by Kanada through
the divine guidance of Shiva, is characterized by its focus on atomism and the
classification of substances. It explores the nature of reality, emphasizing
the concept of atoms (anu) as the fundamental building blocks of the material
world. The philosophy also delves into the theory of causation, analyzing the
relationships between different elements and their effects.
Traditionally, the Vaisheshika school is often referred to
by the names 'Kanada-darshana' or 'Aulukya-darshana' by scholars and
philosophers. This recognition pays homage to the sage Kanada's profound
spiritual journey, his austere penance, and the divine revelation of the
Vaisheshika philosophy through the manifestation of Shiva as an owl. The
Aulukya Darshana thus stands as a testament to the intricate interplay of
devotion, mysticism, and intellectual pursuit within the rich tapestry of Hindu
philosophical traditions.