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Apunya – Fruit Of Bad Deeds In Hinduism

 Apunya is the fruit of bad or improper deeds in Hinduism. Every human being is observed to undergo, the experience of opposites in life, called the dvandavas in yoga, such as sukha and duhkha (pleasure and pain); usna and sita (hot and cold); kathora and mridu (hard and soft); prapto and aprapti (achievement and failure); labha and hani (gain and loss) and so on.

Punya and papa (merit and demerit) and also form a set of opposites which are encountered in life by all of us. It is said in Yogasutra of Patanjali (IV:7) that various deeds we perform in life are of three kinds: punya karma or shukla karma (meritorious deeds), krishna-karma (black deeds), and ashukla akrishna karma (neutral deeds).

All deeds except the punya karma are called apunya karma in Yoga. Patanjali has explained that every karma done by us bears its fruit in this or the next birth (II: 12-14). Pleasurable fruits arise out of punya karmas, while apunya karmas result from pain and sorrow (II:12). These karmas decide the jati (species into which one shall be born), ayu (the length life), and bhoga (experience) (II:13). He further says that pleasurable and painful fruit arise from the punya and apunya karmas respectively (II:14). He has said further (Yogasutra II:15) that an adept of Yoga (vivekin) looks upon all experiences as essentially painful and so he/she strives to be freed from them forever, in the state of kaivalya.

In the Bhagavad Gita (IV.22), the state of being free of the dvandvas or opposites, i.e., having an attitude of samatva (equanimity) towards siddhi or asiddhi (achievement or failure), is said to be the specialty of a yogin.