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Aparjitapriccha is a 13th century CE text on architecture by Bhuvanadeva. Aparjitapriccha is an encyclopedic work authored by Bhuvanadeva. The work is later than Samrangana Sutradhara, but it is not a text totally devoted to architecture. Chapters are titled as sutras and their number exceeds 239. Roughly, the first fifty chapters cover non-architectural topics, but chapter 48-64 deal with soil testing, examination and qualification of architects (49-50); plots and presiding deities (53-62).

Auspicious and inauspicious omens are treated in chapters 62-66. Chapters 70-73 describe towns and their patterns and components and flags (Chapter 74), eight types of assembly halls (Chapter 77), elephant stables (Chapter 79), royal palaces, their patterns and places of ministers, petty kings and the like (Chapter 81 to 82). Chapters 83 to 85 describe roads and decorative structures and chapters 88 to 91 luxury houses like shower houses, etc. Chapters 92 to 100 give merits and demerits of construction. Chapters 101 to 108 describes mansions with horizontal expansion of peripheral apartments. Chapters 109 to 111 examine old and dilapidated structures. Chapters 115 to 120 describe plinth. Chapters up to 195 elaborate patterns of mansions. Chapters 196 to 239 deal with iconography especially of Shiva.

Aparajitapriccha deals with queries put forth by Aparajita, one of the sons of Vishwakarma and is apparently an encyclopedic Vastu text touching the various aspects of traditional architecture.