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Sanmarga In Hinduism

Sanmarga in Hinduism is the right way or the righteous path. In Upanishadic literature, this word is identified with the path one should take up in this world to get liberation. One should follow the righteous path of dharma. This way of life is referred to as sanmarga in Upanishads and other texts. Running after worldly pleasures and following an unrighteous path leads to a terrible fall. Those who take to this unrighteous path (asanmarga) are caught in the net of destruction (Katha Upanishad 2/1/2).

Hindu ethics provides for four goals, dharma (righteousness), artha (means of happy life – wealth and prosperity), kama (enjoyment) and moksha (emancipation), which is the supreme goal. One should enjoy life and acquire wealth, but righteously and not in violation of dharma (Bhagavad Gita 7/11). Worldly pleasures are fragile, and one must endeavor to acquire the knowledge which leads to the eternal bliss of self (atmananda) and emancipation (moksha) from the worldly bondage of the repetitive birth-and-death cycle.

To achieve this goal, one should perform righteous deeds in this world. One has to practice Yoga to keep oneself on the righteous path (Amritabindu Upanishad 25). One should follow one’s varnasrama dharma to be on one’s sanmarga for achieving emancipation the self after death.