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Pustaka Or Book In Hands Of Hindu Gods And Goddesses

The portrayal of gods and goddesses in Hinduism with ayudhas (weapons), including the sattvika type such as the pustaka (book), holds significant symbolic meaning. It symbolises knowledge to overcome illusion or ignorance – the agama or the scriptures. Here's a more detailed exploration:

Brahma: Holding the sacred scriptures, Brahma's representation with the pustaka symbolizes the source of knowledge and wisdom. As the creator, Brahma is associated with the foundational texts that guide the cosmic order. As per some scholars the book in the hands of Brahma are the Vedas.

Dakshinamurti: Dakshinamurti, an aspect of Lord Shiva as a teacher, holds the pustaka, emphasizing the role of divine knowledge. This depiction signifies the guru's authority in imparting spiritual wisdom – there is no second here.

Ganapati: Ganapati, the remover of obstacles, holding a pustaka highlights wisdom and learning. It symbolizes the pursuit of knowledge as a means to overcome life's challenges.

Hanuman: Hanuman, the devoted disciple of Bhagavan Sri Rama, is sometimes depicted holding a pustaka. This represents his wisdom and intelligence, especially in relation to his role in the epic Ramayana.

Hayagriva: Hayagriva, horse-head incarnation of Bhagavan Vishnu is a deity associated with knowledge and learning, is often depicted with a pustaka. It signifies divine wisdom, and Hayagriva is considered a bestower of knowledge and learning. The books also represent the Vedas.

Saraswati: Saraswati, the goddess of wisdom and learning, is commonly shown holding a pustaka. This represents the importance of education, arts, and culture in the Hindu tradition.

Vyasa: Sage Vyasa, credited with composing the Mahabharata and other scriptures, is often depicted with a pustaka. This symbolizes his role in preserving and transmitting the sacred knowledge of the Vedas and Puranas.

The other objects that generally go with Pustaka or Book are:

Akshamala (Rosary): The rosary symbolizes the cyclical nature of life and death and the continuous recitation or remembrance of divine names.

Kamandalu (Water Pot): The kamandalu is a water pot carried by ascetics, representing simplicity and detachment. It symbolizes the renunciation of material desires.

Jnana Mudra (Gesture of Exposition): This hand gesture symbolizes the transmission of knowledge. It represents the teaching and sharing of wisdom.

Together, these symbols convey a holistic representation of the pursuit of knowledge, wisdom, and spirituality in Hinduism, emphasizing the interconnectedness of learning, devotion, and divine guidance.