The Dvaita Vedanta of Madhavacharya also holds that god’s attributes are existence, consciousness and bliss. Though these attributes are identical with God, yet they can be distinguished for all practical purposes (bheda-vyavahara), according to Madhvasiddhantasara. Similarly the selves, that are really and totally different from God, are by nature blissful. Yet they suffer pain and enjoy pleasure by dint of their connection with bodies. However, their blissful nature surfaces to the full on release.
Madhvacharya believes that no two individual selves are exactly
the same. Even in release, there is ananda-taratamya (continuity of bliss). In
release, al pain is absent. But it is not merely a negative state of
painlessness. Rather it is a positive experience of enjoyment of bliss. Such an
enjoyment of bliss does not require a body, just as dream do not.
According to Madhvacharya, each individual self or soul, known as jiva, is distinct and unique. No two individual selves are exactly the same, emphasizing the eternal and individual nature of each soul. This concept aligns with the Dvaita Vedanta philosophy, which asserts the ultimate reality of a duality between the individual self (jiva) and the Supreme Reality (Brahman).
In the state of release, also known as moksha or liberation, Madhvacharya posits that all pain is absent. This absence of pain, however, is not a mere negative state of painlessness; rather, it is a positive and profound experience of the enjoyment of bliss. Madhvacharya's understanding of release goes beyond the elimination of suffering; it involves the active and joyous participation in the divine bliss that is inherent in the union with the Supreme Reality.
Importantly, Madhvacharya suggests that the enjoyment of bliss in the state of release does not require a physical body. This assertion aligns with the idea that the soul transcends the limitations of the material world, including the need for a physical form. Madhvacharya draws a parallel with dreams, emphasizing that just as dreams do not require a physical body for the experience of joy or suffering, the liberated soul experiences bliss independently of the material realm.
In summary, Madhvacharya's teachings underscore the individuality of each soul, the transformative nature of release as a state of blissful enjoyment, and the soul's ability to transcend the physical body in its pursuit of ultimate liberation.