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End Of The World In Hindu Scriptures

In Hinduism, there are various cosmological and eschatological concepts that describe the end of the world or the cosmic cycle. One prominent concept is that of "Pralaya," which refers to the periodic dissolution or destruction of the universe. The cycles of creation, preservation, and destruction are integral to the Hindu cosmology.

There are different types of Pralaya mentioned in Hindu scriptures, and they are associated with different deities and time scales. Two significant types of Pralaya are:

Naimittika Pralaya: This is the partial or occasional dissolution that occurs at the end of each Kalpa, which is a day of Brahma. According to Hindu cosmology, a day of Brahma consists of a thousand cycles of four Yugas (ages): Satya Yuga, Treta Yuga, Dvapara Yuga, and Kali Yuga. At the end of each Kalpa, there is a partial dissolution, but the world is not entirely destroyed.

Mahapralaya (Great Dissolution): This is a more comprehensive and final dissolution that occurs at the end of Brahma's life. It marks the end of a Brahma's day, which lasts for a thousand Kalpas. During Mahapralaya, it is believed that the entire universe is dissolved, and all living beings and worlds return to an unmanifested state.

The Bhagavad Gita, a sacred Hindu text, also discusses the cyclical nature of creation and dissolution. Lord Krishna explains that just as a person changes clothes, the soul changes bodies, and similarly, the cosmos goes through cycles of creation and destruction.

It's important to note that Hindu cosmology operates on vast time scales and involves complex cyclical processes. The concept of the end of the world is seen as part of a larger cosmic rhythm rather than a linear, one-time event. Different sects and traditions within Hinduism may have variations in their interpretations of these cosmological concepts.