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Ananda Or Bliss In Hinduism

In Hinduism, ananda or bliss is the third element (along with sat and chit) in the Vedantic definition of the nature of the Ultimate Reality. As per Hindu religion teachings, Ananda or bliss is a state of being, of realizing or experiencing one’s indivisibility with the Supreme Reality of the Vedantic quest. This Supreme Reality is Brahman. The state of absolute oneness with this reality is one of ineffable beatitude, of peace and fulfilment. This state is totally identical with the notion of spiritual realization. It is state of freedom, of jnana (knowledge) and shanti (peace).

The Shaivite seeks Ananda in the complete absorption of the self in Parama Shiva (Sivo ham – I am Shiva). The Vaishnavites regard the contemplation of Sriman Narayana as an ineffable boon and a source of the eternal. The ultimate in Ananda for the Vaishnavites is to be in Vaikuntha (abode of Vishnu). Madhva’s Ananda also relates to Narayana but more often as Bhagavan Sri Krishna with the beatific smile and the worldly look of the joyous innocence of the Navanitachora (stealer of butter). Both the Vaishnavites and the Madhvas look upon unclouded devotion to a radiant, compassionate, gracious Absolute as bliss par excellence. Brahmasutra states that the self consists of bliss – anandamayah (1.1.12).