According to Shaktism, there are six paths of spiritual discipline that lead to the Divine Mother Goddess. They are:
- Letters of the alphabet – varnadhva
- Words made up of these letters - padadhva
- Mantras comprising of words – mantradhva
- Aspects such as knowledge peace etc – kaladhva
- Thirty-six categories of Shaktism – tattvadhva
- Various worlds – bhuvanadhva
The six paths are together known as Shadadhva.
Instead of following the six paths a devotee can worship Shiva,
Vishnu, Durga, Surya, Ganapati and Indusambhava (a Jain deity) to attain the
same goal.
The 991st name of Goddess Lalita in the Lalitasaharanama is Shadadhvatita
Roopini – the one beyond the six paths.