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Similarities Between Matsya Avatar Of Bhagavan Vishnu And Noah’s Ark

The Matsya (Fish) Avatar story in Hindu religion and the story of Noah's Ark from the Bible share some similarities, particularly in the theme of a divine flood and the preservation of life. Matsya Avatar is much older than the story of Noah’s Ark. Here are some common elements between the two stories:

Divine Warning:

Matsya Avatar: In Hindu religion, Bhagavan Vishnu takes the form of a fish to warn the sage Manu about an impending deluge. Manu is instructed to build a large boat to save himself, sages, and the Seven Great Sages (Saptarishi) along with seeds of all plants and a pair of each animal species.

Noah's Ark: In the Bible, God warns Noah about a great flood that will cover the earth. Noah is instructed to build an ark and take two of each kind of animal (and seven pairs of clean animals) along with his family to preserve life.

Construction of a Boat/Ark:

Matsya Avatar: Manu builds a massive boat as instructed by Bhagavan Vishnu to withstand the flood and carry the essential living beings.

Noah's Ark: Noah builds an ark according to God's specifications to ensure the survival of himself, his family, and pairs of every kind of animal during the flood.

The Flood:

Matsya Avatar: The flood in Hindu scriptures is caused by the cosmic ocean overflowing its boundaries, and Matsya guides the boat through the turbulent waters.

Noah's Ark: The flood in the biblical story is a result of rain lasting for 40 days and 40 nights, covering the entire earth.

Preservation of Life:

Matsya Avatar: The purpose of Matsya Avatar is to save the sage Manu, the Saptarishi, and various species of plants and animals from the flood, ensuring the continuity of life.

Noah's Ark: Noah's ark serves as a vessel to preserve life on Earth during the biblical flood, preventing the extinction of all living creatures.

Divine Covenant:

Matsya Avatar: After the floodwaters recede, Bhagavan Vishnu reveals his true identity to Manu and makes a covenant promising to protect and guide him.

Noah's Ark: After the floodwaters subside, God makes a covenant with Noah, promising never to destroy the earth with a flood again and providing the rainbow as a sign of this covenant.

While there are similarities, it's essential to note that these stories belong to different cultural and religious traditions, and the details and theological significance may vary. The flood myth is a common theme found in various cultures around the world, and each culture has its unique interpretation and narrative.