Shigmo, also known as Shishirotsava, is a vibrant spring festival that finds its roots in the lively celebrations of Goa. This festivity extends beyond the borders of Goa, captivating the Konkani diaspora, and incorporates elements of the Holi festival. Shigmo festival 2025 dates are from March 14 to March 18. Dhakto Shigmo will be observed from March 10 to March 14.
Shigmo manifests through captivating parades featuring
traditional folk and street dancers, as well as intricately crafted floats
portraying scenes from regional mythology and religious narratives.
Throughout various rural areas of Goa, the Shigmo festival
unfolds over a fortnight in March, with specific days earmarked for
celebrations in different localities. Two distinctive variants of Shigmo exist:
Dhakto Shigmo (small Shigmo) and Vhadlo Shigmo (big Shigmo). Dhakto Shigmo,
predominantly observed by farmers, laborers, and the rural populace, centers
around folk songs and dances. On the other hand, Vhadlo Shigmo holds greater
significance and involves collective celebrations that include everyone. Vhadlo
Shigmo is also considered a festival performed in the village temple. It is
celebrated in different temples on different dates around the same period. On
the first day, the village deity is bathed and dressed in saffron robes. After
the offering of food, a feast is held.
Dhakto Shigmo kicks off about five days before the full moon
day of the Indian lunar month of Phalguna, concluding on the full moon day in
the Old Conquests areas of Goa, regions that were under Portuguese colonial
rule from the sixteenth century. Vhadlo Shigmo takes place mainly in the New
Conquests areas, starting on the full moon day of Phalguna and continuing for
five days.
The festival incorporates unique elements such as
"Naman," where participants sing songs in chorus at a designated
location. "Jot" represents another type of song. Various dances,
including Talgadi, Hanpet, Lamp Dance, and Gopha, add to the festive spirit.
Drums like Dhol and Taso, some impressively large, are carried from door to
door, guiding the rhythm of the celebratory dances. During this procession,
spectators place money in a plate carried by performers, prompting the singing of
a traditional song called "Tali," conveying good wishes to the
generous donor. On the festival's final day, it is believed that the spirit of
"Gade padap" enters the dancers. The festivities culminate with a
collective bath known as "Mand davarap."
Shigmo's popularity extends to temples in Jambavali,
Phatarpya, Kansarpal, and Dhargale, attracting a significant number of devotees
and tourists from Goa and neighboring states.