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Jasmine Flower And Goddess Kali

Jasmine flower, especially the needle flower jasmine, is associated with Goddess Kali in Hinduism. The flower is grown around temples and other scared places to keep the environment clean and for its sweet smell. It is said that Goddess Kali had a giant Jasmine creeper and its tendrils reached the moon. It is believed that the flowers are associated with purity. Sapta Kanyas used to wear the flowers as a symbol of chastity.

Jasmine flowers are known for their sweet fragrance and are often associated with purity and simplicity. In Hindu rituals and ceremonies, flowers play a significant role, and jasmine flowers, in particular, are considered auspicious. They are commonly used to adorn deities during worship and are offered as a symbol of devotion and purity.

The combination of Goddess Kali and jasmine flowers in worship can be seen as a way to honor the divine feminine in both her fierce and gentle aspects. The offering of jasmine flowers may symbolize the devotee's desire for purity and simplicity in their devotion to the powerful Goddess Kali. The contrast between the intense energy of Kali and the delicate fragrance of jasmine creates a symbolic representation of the multifaceted nature of the divine and the cyclical nature of life and death.