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In Mahabharata This Son Of Arjuna Killed Him

A son of Arjuna killed him in a fascinating episode in the Mahabharata. This particular storyline revolves around Arjuna, his son Babruvahana, and the events following the Kurukshetra war.

Once, Arjuna, as part of his penance, embarked on a tour of various kingdoms. During this journey, he arrived at the kingdom of Manipura, ruled by King Chitravahana. The king, impressed by Arjuna's valor and character, offered his daughter Chitrangada in marriage to the Pandava hero. Arjuna accepted the proposal, and Babruvahana was born to them. The young Babhruvahana inherited the martial prowess of his father and grew up to be a formidable warrior.

The narrative takes a dramatic turn during the Ashwamedha sacrifice conducted by Yudhisthira, Arjuna's elder brother, after the Kurukshetra war. Arjuna, as the protector of the sacrificial horse, encountered Babruvahana. In the ensuing conflict, Arjuna was tragically killed by his own son. However, the story doesn't end there. Ulupi, another wife of Arjuna, intervened and revived him by placing the Sanjivakamani, a precious gem with the power to resurrect the dead, on his chest. In some narration, Arjuna did not get killed but only fell unconscious and was revived by Ulupi.

The aforementioned event is linked to another legend, wherein it is recounted that Ganga Devi placed a curse on Arjuna. The curse foretold that he would meet his demise at the hands of his own son. This prophecy stemmed from Arjuna's deceptive killing of Bhishma in the Kurukshetra battle, wherein he used Shikandi, a eunuch, as a shield.

Upon learning of this curse, Ulupi sought forgiveness through prayers to Goddess Ganga. In response, Ganga Devi conveyed to Ulupi that Babruvahan would be the one to end Arjuna's life. However, she assured Ulupi that Arjuna could be revived with the aid of Mritasanjivani or Sanjivakamani.

The complexity of relationships and the interplay of destiny are evident in this episode. Despite the sorrowful event of a father being killed by his own son, the narrative showcases the mystical elements present in Hindu scriptures, such as the magical gem that can restore life.

Later in the story, Babruvahana attended the Ashwamedha sacrifice at Hastinapura, marking a reconciliation and continuation of the familial ties between him and the Pandavas after the tumultuous events that unfolded during the conflict. This episode highlights the intricate storytelling and the moral nuances present in the Mahabharata, exploring themes of duty, sacrifice, and the consequences of actions.