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Hindu Goddess Of Love

Rati is a Hindu goddess associated with love, passion, and sexual desire. She is considered the consort of Kamadeva, the Hindu god of love and desire. Rati is often depicted as a beautiful and alluring deity, and she plays a significant role in Hindu religious stories, particularly in the context of love and the pursuit of desires.

According to Hindu scriptures, Rati's story is intertwined with that of Kamadeva. In some versions of the myth, Kamadeva is incinerated by the powerful third eye of Mahadeva Shiva when he tries to arouse feelings of love in Shiva's heart. Rati, devastated by the loss of her husband, pleads with the gods for his return. In some versions of the story, Kamadeva is later revived, and Rati and Kamadeva are reunited.

Rati is often venerated by those seeking blessings for love, marital harmony, and the fulfillment of desires. Devotees may worship her through prayers, rituals, and offerings. It's worth noting that different texts and traditions within Hinduism may have variations in the stories and depictions of Rati, but her role as a goddess associated with love and desire is a common theme.

As per some accounts Radha is also associated with love. Radha is a prominent figure in Hindu scriptures, particularly in the context of the Krishna tradition. She is considered to be the consort of Lord Krishna, who is a central deity in Hinduism and is often depicted as the divine lover.

The love between Radha and Krishna is celebrated in Hindu devotional literature, poetry, and art. Their relationship is seen as a symbol of the soul's longing for union with the divine. While Radha is not as widely worshiped independently as some other goddesses, her devotion and love for Krishna are highly revered in the bhakti (devotional) traditions of Hinduism.

It's important to note that Hinduism is a diverse religion with a multitude of deities and regional variations in worship, so interpretations and associations may vary across different traditions and communities.