The Hindu Puranas frequently discuss the four yugas — Krita, Treta, Dwapara, and Kali—which unfold in a cyclical sequence, each characterized by distinct features. A concise summary of the yuga-dharmas, describing the essential traits of each yuga, is found in the Parasarasmriti (100 CE). Here
In Krita Yuga (also known as Satya Yuga), austerity (tapas)
held paramount importance, with Manusmriti serving as the definitive guide. It
was an era of truth (Satya yuga), where people would leave their country upon
witnessing sinful deeds. Even conversing with a sinner was considered a
transgression, and curses uttered by the profoundly virtuous would immediately
take effect. Generosity reached such heights that donors personally sought out
the needy to fulfill their desires.
Treta Yuga witnessed a slight decline in ethical standards,
with knowledge (Jnana) taking precedence. The Gautama Dharma Sutras became the
authoritative text, and people would abandon their villages if sinful acts were
observed. Accidentally touching a sinner was deemed a sin, and curses would
manifest within ten days. Donors, though still generous, would call or invite
the needy before offering gifts.
Dwapara Yuga saw a further decline in dharma, with a fifty
percent decrease. Vedic rituals (Yajna) became prevalent, guided by the Shankha-likhita-dharmasutras.
Families would be abandoned if even one-member transgressed dharma, and
accepting food from a sinner was considered sinful. Curses took a month to take
effect, and gifts were given after the person begged for them.
Kaliyuga (the current age), considered the worst, witnessed a significant
reduction in dharma, leaving only a quarter behind. Giving gifts (Dana) became
the primary righteous act, guided by the Parasara Smriti. If a person committed
a sin, only he had to be abandoned. Those engaging in sinful deeds were seen as
depraved, and curses took a year to manifest. Gifts were given only after
extracting service.
In Kaliyuga, dharma and truth (satya) succumbed to adharma
and untruth (anrta). Demons ruled over good kings, women used lust over power men,
and there was a decline in religious rites like Agnihotra. Respect for elders
disappeared, and young girls gave birth to babies, marking an all-encompassing
decline in values.