Panchak is a period of five days in a month in a Hindu Lunar
calendar which is considered inauspicious. Panchak January 2024 time and dates
based on Hindu Calendar and Panchang is given below. As per astrologers and
Panchangs, it is the transition of Moon from Kumbha Rashi (or Aquarius Zodiac)
and Meena Rashi (or Pisces Zodiac).
Panchak in January 2024
From 3:24 AM on January 14
January 15 full day
January 16 full day
January 17 full day
January 18 till 8:17 AM
Panchak is strictly followed by certain Hindu communities
and they do not travel during the period and do not perform any auspicious
Please note that Panchak is ignored by majority of Hindu
communities in South India.
Some people believe that death or accidents taking place
during the period is inauspicious.