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Dreaming Of Royal Blue Dress – Meaning

Dreaming of royal blue dress is a good omen as per dream meaning and interpretation. The dream means invitation to attend and important function famous for the presence of royalty, rich and powerful. It is also associated with desire fulfillment. Dreams of royal blue dress and you see lot of people wearing it means participating in something important or charity. It also means going for supporting a cause.

Dream of royal blue dress and someone else is wearing it means jealousy. It also means defeat and lack of improvement. It is also associated with frustration. It also means meeting an enemy after a long period.

Dream of royal blue dress and you see family members and relatives means functions in the family. It is associated with marriage. It also means acceptance and forgiveness. It is also associated with unity.

Dreaming of royal blue dress and it is getting spoiled through dirt or colors means embarrassment. It also means carelessness resulting in problems during an important event.