Pooradam Nakshatra 2024 predictions are based on Malayalam Nakshatram or birth star Kerala astrology. As per Pooradam nakshatram phalam 2024, this nakshatra born people people might decide return home from abroad due to a serious health issue. Things you start this year will be helpful to you and others. Good months are February, April, August and September 2024. March, June, October and December 2024 are bad months. January, May, July and November 2024 will be stagnant period with not much gain. You will land on a good job with the help of a new friendship. You will have to stay away from home as part of work or studies. You will face unusual delay in even the simplest matters. You will have to save friends or relative from a dangerous situation. You will have desire fulfilled. Some of you will leave to a distant place to stay with relatives or children.
Those who will lose job in this year will be able to find
one soon with the help of colleagues or acquaintances. Those looking for new
job will be blessed with one provided they do not lose heart and are
determined. Health related problems might result in missing out on important
career opportunities. Government related jobs will be delayed due to change of
government policy. Procrastination and laziness will result in losing a good
opportunity. Colleagues will be helpful. You will overcome gossips and scandal
merely through your honesty and reputation. You will show courage to say no to
a powerful person who was pressuring you to do illegal things.
Financially this is a stagnant period with no major gains.
An old financial issue will return to haunt you. You will have to answer for
money misappropriation of a colleague. Loans will be approved. You will sell
lot of unwanted things and opt for a minimalist life. Vehicle will be sold and
you will opt for public transport. Initial payments for a house will be made.
Gains will be made from stocks but they will be wiped out later. Avoid
greediness and stop investing in financial ideas of strangers. Luck is not in
your favor avoid speculation, costly lotteries and games.
You will meet old colleagues or classmates after long years.
There will be lot of temptation to cheat or take the wrong path this year.
Romance related matters might face problems due to attitude change of the
partner. You will be unhappy with the behavior of people who you had helped.
You will learn to show patience in dealing with important life situations. You
will hear sad news about a colleague or relative.
Married couples will shed ego and learn to forgive and
forget. Marriage matters will be delayed due to unexpected development in the
family. Sudden problems in married life due to the interference of a third
person. Those looking to remarry will face difficulties and might be
You will be troubled by lifestyle diseases. You will take up
yoga, gym, walking or other exercise but only to give up soon. There will be
death of a family member who was suffering for a long time from a disease.
Chance of accidents are high especially related to iron or fire.
Travels will lead to new realization. You will decide to
give up the idea of a risky journey on the advice of spouse. You will meet
important personalities during travels.
Students will have a good year. You will change your main
subject and focus on a subject you have more interest. Admission in a desired