Seeing only black in dream means you will not be able to make a proper judgement in near future. It also means you will not be able to understand what is happening around you. Your enemies will be very active. Dreams of only black mean someone whom you trusted might cause serious harm to your both physically, mentally and financially. It also means something evil happening when there is darkness especially at night.
Dream of seeing only black and you are all alone means you
will face near death experience. It also means getting abandoned or being all
alone in an unknown place.
Dreams of seeing only black and you are still moving about
and healthy in the dream means you will be able to overcome a physical attack.
It also means you will thwart attempts to weaken you.
Dreaming of seeing only black and you are seen happy in the
dream means you will do tricks to impress colleagues or children or a group. It
also means learning new things to impress others.