Poosam Natchathiram Palangal 2024 for Karka Rashi or
Karkataka Rasi born people. These predictions are based on Tamil astrology. Good
months are January, March, May and October 2024. February, July, September and
December 2024 are bad months. April, June, August and November 2024 will be
stagnant period with not much gain. As per Poosam natchathiram palan, Poosam
natchathiram pada 1 born Karkataka Rashi people will achieve success if they
can show patience, self control and avoid anger. You will get what is truly
yours. Poosam natchathiram padam 2 Karka Rashi born people will realize that
they were wrongly accusing someone. You will head a department or get
independence to function. Poosam natchathiram padam 3 born Karkataka Rasi born
will try their luck in farming and will find it encouraging. You will take into
account profit loss and abandon some projects. Poosam natchathiram pada 4
Karkataka Rasi born people will rethink about current medicines and adopt
Ayurveda or similar natural methods. You might face delay in some already
planned things.
There will be delay in promotion and transfer or increment.
You might face departmental enquiry. Illegal activities will be exposed. You
will complete projects before deadline. Some of you will be transferred to a
department with heavy work load. Unwanted fear and tension will result in
committing blunders. Those looking for new job might face rejection and bad
experience. You will earn respect and good will by helping others even when
your situation is bad. Business people will be forced to accept new rules and
regulations. Those working in the field of research will have a good year. You
will get help from colleagues in completing a tough assignment.
You will financially help others. Chance of theft. You will
be financially cheated especially by someone you know. Financial damage due to
vehicle. Money will be spending on various activities of children. Initial
process for migration will be started. Due to lack of trust, you will end a
partnership business. You will get back documents that you thought was lost
forever. Loans will be delayed. You will face unusual delay and problems
regarding new house. Last minute you will decide against buying a vehicle.
You will be more flexible and forgiving in relationships.
You will show keen interest in spirituality and religious matters. You will
make friendship with people who are in power or rich or famous. Children will
make you proud. You will give up a bad habit and this will bring peace in your
life. Romance related matters will face numerous problems including
Problems with spouse will be sorted out especially by owning
up your mistakes. Those looking to get married will have it decided this year.
Not a good year for those looking to remarry. Legal problems related to
marriage will be settled outside the court.
Accidents during picnic especially while driving vehicle.
You might face food poisoning. Chance of hospitalization due to contagious
disease. This year you will need to be extra careful in health matters.
Lot of travels as part of work. You will face weird
situations during journey. You might not be able to participate in an important
family function.
Students will get admission in a desired subject. You will perform well in exams.