Hastham Natchathiram Palangal 2024 for Kanya or Kanni Rasi
born people. These predictions are based on Tamil astrology. Good months are
March, August, September and December 2024. January, February, July and
November 2024 are bad months. April, May, June and October 2024 will be
stagnant period with not much gain. As per Hastham natchathiram palan, Hastham
natchathiram pada 1 born Kanya or Kanni Rashi people should be very careful in
the way they use words. Avoid harshness and pride. You will be forced to
curtail expenses. Hasta Nakshatra padam 2 Kanya Rashi born people will
face poison related problems this year. You will regain a property you thought
was lost. Hasta Nakshatra padam 3 Kanni Rashi born will show a lenient approach
to maintain peace with relatives. Chance of accidents especially due to
uncontrollable fun and frolic. Hasta nakshatra pada 4 Kanni Rashi born will
face health issues especially to a female member in the family. You will decide
to stay away from investments and business that is not done in proper
Those looking for new job will be lucky this year but you
will be forced to climb down or make compromises. Not a great year to make
career changes. Positive response in government related jobs. Sudden job loss
for some especially due to introduction of new technology. Some of you will
make huge gains through contract jobs. Business people will have a tough year
especially due to sibling rivalry and competition. Some of you will decide to
entrust business with next generation. There will be distrust and fight among
colleagues. Delay in transfer, promotion and increment will result in some
tense situation. You will not be happy with your performance review.
There will be some tough financial situations this year
especially due to sudden expense and fines. Limited luck in lottery and games.
Some serious losses in stocks and other similar investments. Loans will be
approved quickly. Opportunity to move into a new house. There will be
difference of opinion with children regarding spending. Money lent will not be
returned as per promised. You will catch a person who was stealing official
money. Chance of theft or loss of valuables. Disputes regarding property or ancestral
wealth will take an ugly turn.
Romance related matters will reach family and there will be
positive response. Sudden death of a family member will come as a serious
shock. Pilgrimage will be undertaken. Some of you will be disillusioned with
the world and will turn spiritual. Spouse might find a secret of yours.
Travels will be successful. Those looking to migrate will
get to hear positive news. Some of you will be disillusioned after visiting a
place with much anticipation. Those working abroad might face racial abuse and
will decide to return to own country.
Marriage talks will be inconclusive. You might be unhappy
with the approach of parents towards your marriage. Those looking to remarry
will face sudden problems. Some of you will make bold and independent decision
in marriage matter and might go against the wish of family. Married couples
already facing problems in marriage will decide to stay apart and take legal
Health problems to eyes or ears will give you some trouble.
An old health issue will be cured by adopting traditional treatment. You will
show interest in Yoga.
Students will be unhappy with the institution offered for
higher studies. Those who had work hard the previous.