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Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra 2024 Predictions

Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra 2024 predictions are based on Hindu astrology – Simha Rashi and Kanya Rashi. Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra pada 1 born Simha Rashi people will go to ancestral house with family members to attend a function or perform ritual. There will be gains in business. Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra pada 2 Kanya Rashi born people need to be careful while using fire, iron implements, and vehicle. You will have to work hard to solve even the smallest of the problems. Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra pada 3 Kanya Rashi will be promoted to a depart that appoints people or does lot of planning. Parents will approve your love relationship. Uttara Phalguni nakshatra pada 4 Kanya Rashi born people will restart a project that was stopper earlier. Promotion and increment that were stopped for several years will be approved. Good months are February, April, August, November and December 2024. March, June, September and October 2024 are bad months. January, May and July 2024 will be stagnant period with not much gain.

Those looking for a new job will face some initial disappointments. Those who are ready to show patience and work hard will see great developments this year. Sudden job loss due to economic recession for some. You will decide to resign from job due to a personal problem. A jealous colleague will spread unwanted rumors. Business people will make gains through speculation. An old business will be sold. Those looking to migrate to a foreign country for job will hear positive news. Those working in farm and agricultural field will see progress and profit. Good year to change career. It will be foolish to resign job in a distant place and return home.

Financial progress will be made with help of parents or relatives. You will face some serious losses in stocks and other related investments. Not a good year for those looking to win lottery or games. Disputes regarding property will be settled in your favor. Old ancestral home will be sold. Loans will be approved. Credit related issues will give your problems. Youngsters in the family will give you problems in financial matters. Moving into a new home will be delayed.

Romance matters will end in tragedy. Opportunity to stay with loved ones. Your words will be misunderstood. People will realize your worth and become friendly. You will become friendly with rich or powerful people. A desire will be fulfilled especially related to opposite sex. Sudden departure of a friend or relative will cause some problems.

Travels will be successful. Pilgrimage will be undertaken. A religious vow will be completed. You will be stuck in a place for long hours due to natural calamities or manmade problems.

Students will face problems from other students. Admission in a desired college. Some of you will drop current studies and opt for a different course.

Marriage plans will be delayed. Those looking to remarry will face legal complications. Couples facing problems will decide to stay separately. Sudden trust issues in married life will come as a shock.

Health problems related to limbs or eyes. You will have lucky escape from a life-threatening disease. Hospitalization will be required for surgery.