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Sathuragiri Hills Sundara Mahalingam Temple Aadi Amavasya Festival

The annual trek to the Sundara Mahalingam temple atop the Sathuragiri hills on Aadi Amavasya day attracts more than a million devotees. Aadi Amavasya 2024 date is August 4. Devotees are allowed to visit the shrine from August 1 to August 5 from 6:00 AM to 12:00 PM.

The entire hill is filled with numerous holy spots. The important temple located atop the hill are Sri Sundara Mahalinga Swamy temple, Sri Santhana Mahalinga Swamy temple and Anandavalli Amma temple. There is also a Periya Mahalingam atop the hill and it is very difficult to reach and have a darshan of it.

It is said that once a devotee lost his way while trying to reach a Shivling atop the hill. Shiva then directed Kamadhenu, the divine cow, to show the correct path to the Shivling. Kamadhenu showed the correct way to the devotee and she then took off towards the sky. The spot where she pressed to fly towards the sky can be still seen today.

There are some important teerthams on the way to the top of the hill and the most famous is Naval Otru below a jambu tree and the water here has the flavor of jamun fruit.

The important holy spots on the Sathuragiri Hills are

  • Karam Pasu – hoof mark of a cow from which Shiva drank milk.
  • Korakkar cave – Goraknatha is believed to have mediated here
  • Irattai Lingam – this two Shivlings narrates the story that Shiva and Vishnu are one and the same.
  • Vana Durga and Karuppar Sannidhi – the Goddess is the protector of the forest and Karuppar guards the temples on the hill.
  • Pilavadi Karupar Shrine – It is believed that this deity guards a treasure left by Kalanganadhar Sidhar who had the power to turn metals to gold. The deity is worshipped under a jackfruit tree.
  • Sundara Moorthy Swami Lingam – a temple dedicated to disciple of Shiva. It is believed that if devotees pray here, then Sundramurthy will recommend Shiva to fulfill the wish.
  • Sundara Mahalingam temple – the main temple atop the hill dedicated to Shiva, a river runs in front of the temple.
  • Santhana Mahalingam temple – here instead of vibhuti – sandalwood paste is given as prasad. This shrine has several upa devatas including Ganapathi, Murugan, Navagrahas, Santhana Mahadevi (Shakti of Shiva). A river called Agaya Ganga flows here. There is also a cave in which Sattamuni mediated here.

Apart from this there are numerous other sacred spots peppered across the holy hill.