Dreaming of someone rising from dead is a warning sign as per dream meaning and interpretation. dreaming of someone rising from dead is a very common dream as people usually think about them or talk about them during the daytime. But if you are dreaming it without any daytime influence then it has some important meaning. As per dream interpretation, someone rising from dead means they have some unfulfilled wishes or they want to convey some important message to you.
Dreaming of someone rising from dead and you see darkness,
cemetery or bats etc. means your thinking will be clouded. You need to focus on
reality and avoid fantasy.
If someone rising from dead died of accident or something
similar then seeing them alive in dream means they might have left something
for you or want to you to complete some tasks so that they can escape from the
earthly plane. It is more associated with you fulfilling their unfulfilled
desire or tasks.
Dreaming of someone rising from dead and they were really
close to you and who cared for you means that you are on the wrong path with
your activities or you are doing wrong things or are in a wrong friendship.
They want you to change for the good.
Dreams of someone rising from dead and you see your old
house means they are trying to tell you about their possessions and hidden
wealth. They will show you signs about them.