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Dreaming Of Lizards In Hinduism – Meaning

Dreaming of lizards in Hinduism is a bad omen as per dream meaning and interpretation. The dream means accidents, bad news and loss of valuables. It also suggests strain in relationships. Dreams of lizards in Hinduism and it is in your house means you will be not knowing about enemy activity. It also means you will be cheated or become a victim of fraud. It also disagreements and fights among family members.

Dream of lizards in Hinduism and it is in a known place means you will face rejection. There will be problems in the family. It also means you will face delays in journey.

Dreaming of lizards in Hinduism and it is in an unknown place means the promised amenities in a new place will be not provided. It also means struggle to establish yourself. It also sudden transfer to an unwanted location.

Dreams of lizards in Hinduism you see other people in the dream are an indication of trouble in public places with strangers. It also means you will be victimized for something you had not done.

Here are some other possible meanings of dream about lizards in Hinduism:

1. Symbol of Warning or Alertness:

Lizards are often seen as creatures that move quietly but are alert and quick to act. Dreaming of a lizard in Hinduism can be a symbol of vigilance or a sign to be cautious in some area of life. It could serve as a subconscious warning to pay more attention to your surroundings or a particular situation.

2. Transformation and Renewal:

Lizards are known for shedding their skin and regenerating lost body parts, such as their tail. In Hindu dream interpretation, this can symbolize transformation, renewal, or change. If you dream of a lizard shedding its skin, it may indicate that you are going through or will soon experience personal growth, renewal, or a period of change.

3. Presence of Enemies or Betrayal:

In some Hindu interpretations, a lizard in a dream might be a negative omen, signifying the presence of enemies or people who may not have good intentions. It could indicate that someone close to you might be acting deceitfully or is planning to betray your trust.

4. Associations with Past Life or Karma:

Lizards are sometimes connected with past life memories or karmic lessons. In Hinduism, karma plays a significant role in shaping current life experiences. Dreaming of a lizard might suggest that unresolved issues or karma from a past life need attention or that a lesson from the past is resurfacing in the present.

5. Good or Bad Luck Based on Movement (Gowli Shastra):

Hinduism has a specific text called Gowli Shastra, which is dedicated to the study of lizard movements and their influence on human life. Depending on how the lizard appears in the dream (its color, movement, or where it falls), the meaning can be interpreted as either a sign of good or bad luck.

  • A lizard seen falling on certain parts of the body is considered auspicious, while on others, it may be seen as a sign of bad luck.
  • If the lizard in the dream is actively crawling or moving around you, it might indicate impending positive changes or success in future endeavors.

6. Connection with Spirituality:

Lizards can also have spiritual connotations. They are known for their agility and survival instincts, symbolizing adaptability and the ability to thrive in any situation. Dreaming of a lizard may suggest that you need to tap into your inner spiritual strength or instincts to deal with life's challenges.