Meaning of dreaming of litchi fruit depends on the situation as per dream interpretation and meaning. It means that there will be sweetness and happiness in your life provided you are ready to work hard and take the risk. The dream means you will need to show patience to achieve success. Dreams of lichi fruit also means visit to a tropical country.
If you see litchi fruit on tree or plant then it means you
will get positive results for your actions soon. It also means that initially
you will be unhappy with some offering but later you will find the value of it.
The dream is asking you to be patient and to ignore the initial difficulties so
that you can have better future or better results.
Seeing litchi fruit falling on you is a sign that a mountain
of problems is going to come your way. So, stop being lazy and procrastinating.
Dreams of too many litchi fruits means weather creating
havoc in your region. It also means something might look nice initially but it
is bringing with it a huge problem.
Dream of litchi fruit rotting or with worms means lack of
progress and stagnation.