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Dreaming Of Dirty Lake Water – Meaning

Dreaming of dirty lake water is a bad omen as per dream meaning and interpretation. The dream means you will be disappointed with a place. It also means a picnic or excursion ending in disappointment. It also means a place which was beautiful turning dirty. Dreams of dirty lake water and you are seen in the dream means scandal or bad reputation.

Dream of dirty lake water and you are seen inside it means you will have to do some dirty work. It also means an old issue returning to haunt you.

Dreaming of dirty lake water and you see other people means environmental problem causing harm to your daily water needs. It also means manmade problems causing harm to something you loved from childhood.

Dreams of dirty lake water and you see children playing in it means lack of development and something you valued will be lost forever.

Dreaming of dirty lake water and you are terrified or crying in the dream means sudden problems in life. It also means disturbance and lack of peace.