Dreaming of leopard skin is a bad omen as per dream meaning and interpretation. The dream means a problem that will not go away. It also means you know something is bad for you but you still want to do it. The dream of leopard skin is a warning sign too about upcoming problems which might bring shame and embarrassment. Dreams of leopard skin and you see blood etc means crime and legal problems.
Dream of leopard skin and you see yourself in the dream
means you will get into trouble especially related to hunting or hiding
something that is illegal.
Dreaming of leopard skin and you see other people means
there will be increase in enemy activity. You will face unexpected physical
attacks. It also means ecological imbalance in your region leading to appearance
of wild animals in populated areas.
Dream of leopard skin and you it moving means you will face
depression. It also means there will confusion and lack of proper thinking.
Dreaming of leopard skin and you see family members means an
action of a family member will bring difficulties to the whole family. It also
means you raising your voice against someone in the family. It also means
dissent or witnessing something weird in the family.