Ariyakkara Bhagavathi theyyam kolam is a rare Mother Goddess Bhagavathi theyyam seen during the annual theyyam thira kaliyattam festival in Kannur and Kasaragod regions of Kerala. As per information, this is a ferocious form of Mother Goddess Bhagavathy and she blesses her devotees with peace, prosperity and good health. As per Ariyakkara Bhagavathi theyyam story, she is believed to have made her presence felt in a prominent tharavadu. She annihilates demons and protects the livestock. To keep her calm and happy and to get her blessings a theyyam is performed annually.
She appears in a ferocious form holding a sword to protect the wealth and life of her devotees.
Ariyakkara Bhagavathi theyyam is performed at Pilicode Sree
Vengakkot Bhagavathi Temple during the Perumkaliyattam held once in 21 years
(last held in 2018 from Jan 12 to Jan 17). It is also part of the annual
festival (January 12 to Jan 14).