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Adharmastikaya In Jainism

In Jainism, the concept of Adharmastikaya is a fundamental aspect of their metaphysical understanding of the universe. Adharmastikaya is one of the seven fundamental substances known as "Astikayas" which constitute the Jain cosmological framework.

Adharmastikaya, the medium of rest, is distinct from the other six substances and is considered the last among them. It is described as a singular, immaterial entity that pervades the entire cosmos. Unlike physical substances, Adharmastikaya is not composed of matter but exists as a metaphysical presence facilitating the state of rest for both sentient beings (selves) and non-sentient entities (matter).

The term "Adharma" here doesn't imply moral wrongness as it might in other contexts, but rather signifies a state of non-motion or rest. Adharmastikaya serves as the auxiliary cause of this rest, providing the necessary condition for bodies to remain in a state of stillness.

It's important to note the distinction between Adharmastikaya and Dharmastikaya, another of the seven substances. While Dharmastikaya is associated with motion or activity, Adharmastikaya pertains to rest. Both are essential aspects of the universe, with innumerable points or instances of each existing throughout the cosmos.

According to Jain philosophy, neither Dharma (motion) nor Adharma (rest) can directly influence or control each other. Dharma cannot initiate motion, nor can Adharma impede it. However, Adharma does favor the condition of rest, allowing for the stability and equilibrium necessary for the existence of various entities within the cosmos.

In summary, Adharmastikaya in Jainism represents the metaphysical substrate of rest, providing the foundational condition for bodies to maintain a state of stillness. It underscores the intricate balance between motion and rest within the Jain cosmological worldview.