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Dreaming Of Raking Leaves – Meaning

Dreaming of raking leaves is a good omen as per dream meaning and interpretation. The dream means you will decide to overcome old memories and bad relationships. It also means deciding to let go off things. Dreams of raking leaves and you are seen doing it alone means you will decide to go alone against

Dream of raking leaves and you are seen struggling in the dream means upcoming problems. It also means you will find it difficult to solve certain new issues fully.

Dreams of raking leaves and it is an unknown place means moving away from current place of living. It also means living in a place with trees and more greenery.

Dreaming of raking leaves and you know the place and there are no trees means natural calamity or manmade disasters causing problems.

Dreams of raking leaves and you are seen happy in the dream means opportunity to do what you like. It also means a period of peace and happiness.