Sasvatavada is a doctrine emphasizing continuation of two entities even after dissociation with the mortal body. Vedic wisdom throws light on the fact that the self and the supreme are two entities, which continue to exist even after the disassociation with the mortal body. Such schools which subscribe to this school of thought are referred to as the followers of Sasvatavada. The visible form of a candy is mutable, which permeates the akshar (immutable) sweetness. The name candy indicates the Supreme Self, the abode of eternal peace and bliss.
Gautama Buddha differs from his view and says everything is temporal. The object of perception is the empirical self and the cosmic spirit is the rational one. These two coexist in the Supreme Self, the universe by name, original home of the self. Except for these, things that are perishable are called Sasvata. It is believed that after leaving this body, the self rests in a permanent abode where it lasts long with a purusha and that is why it is called Sasvatavada.
The Bhagavad Gita emphasizes the permanence of the atman by saying that the self is never born nor dies; nor it becomes only after being born. For it is unborn, eternal, everlasting and ancient, and will not be destroyed even if the body is slain (II.20)