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Dreaming Of Rose Plant – Meaning

Dreaming of red plant is a good omen as per dream meaning and interpretation. The dream means happiness and joy. It also means new relationship. Dream of different color rose plant associated with desire fulfillment related to opposite sex. Dreams of rose plant and you see blood means rejection and failure. It also means someone you trusted will leave you. It is also a sign of love or relationship failure.

Dream of rose plant and you are unhappy means fear of future. It also means your happiness will depend on the decision of another person. It also means you are not ready to take risk.

Dreaming of rose plant and you see other people and they are happy means success and joy. It also means marriage and functions.

Dreams of rose plant and you see thorns and it bleeding blood means you will be tricked by someone. It also means emotional problems. You will act without thinking in near future.

Dream of rose plant fading or going bad is warning sign about fights with friends or spouse. It also means depression and finding out a secret about your partner.