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Dream Of Buying Puff Puff – Meaning

Dream of buying puff puff is a bad omen as per dream meaning and interpretation. Dreaming of buying fried puff puff means bad decisions and unhealthy practices. It also means you will make poor decisions regarding eating especially during travel. Dreams of buying puff puff in bulk means there will functions or get together or party or marriage in the family.

Dream of buying puff puff and you see family members and they are worried means food poisoning. It also means you will pay the price for buying something unhealthy. It also means addiction for fried food causing serious health problems in near future.

Dreaming of buying puff puff and you see animals means you will face natural calamities. There will be sudden weather change resulting in damage to property or valuables.

Dreams of buying puff puff and you see it going bad or scattered on ground means bad investment. It also means making poor choices. It also means sudden health complications.

Dreams about buying puff puff and it happens to be in a strange place means you will get an unwanted transfer. It also means going to a place with no major access to food you prefer.