Guru Raghavendra Swamy was a great mystic and saint philosopher who lived during the 17th century in South India and he performed numerous miracles during his stay on earth. In one such miracle, the Guru sprouted leaves on a dead wood to show the power of Vedas.
The learners and practitioners of Vedas of Sirasingi Village were harassed by the village headman. The village headman had come under the influence of monolithic religions and questioned the practices of Vedic religion. He did not believe in the Vedas and the teachings in it.
Guru Raghavendra Swamy, who was passing through the region, was approached by the people of the village to find a solution which threatened their personal beliefs and religion. The guru decided to rescue the people of the village.
When Guru Raghavendra Swamy confronted the village headman, he asked Guru to make piece of wood sprout leaves by reciting verses from the Vedas if they were so powerful.
Guru asked the village headman to provide him with a dead wood. When the wood was provided, Guru chanted mantras from the Vedas and sprinkled holy water from his water pot or Kamandalu. To the surprise of all the people present there, fresh green leaves sprouted from the dead wood. Guru then recited few verses from the Vedas to prove the efficacy of the Vedas to the haughty headman of the village.