Of the Vrishnis I am Vasudeva; among the Pandavas I am Dhananjaya; among the saints I am Vyasa and among the seers I am Ushanas the seer. (Bhagavad Gita Chapter 10 – Verse 37)
Vasudeva is Sri Krishna Himself. Vyasa is the author of the Mahabharata. He was a muni, a saint who is engrossed in meditation, and a knower of the Vedas. Ushanas was a muni, the first teacher of ethics and politics and an inspired poet.
I am the rod of the disciplinarians; the statesmanship of the seekers of conquest; silence among secret things; the wisdom of the wise. (Bhagavad Gita Chapter 10 – Verse 38)
And to conclude the present section, the Lord finally summarizes His attributes:
O Arjuna, whatever is the seed of all beings, that also am I. There is no being, moving or unmoving, who can exist without Me. (Bhagavad Gita Chapter 10 – Verse 39)
There is no being without Me. How could there be? For anything into which I have not entered would be without its real Self, without its Spirit, without the Atman. That cannot be. It would be a void, without existence. We cannot think of fire without heat. Heat is the soul, the life of fire. So we cannot imagine anything existing without Reality as its centre, from which proceed its life, power and consciousness. That is why, ‘Everything is of My nature,’ says Bhagavan. ‘I am the essence, the seed and the very cause, the beginning of all.’
O Scorcher of your foes, there is no end to the manifestations of My divine power; what I have declared is only a partial statement of the vastness of My divine manifestations. (Bhagavad Gita Chapter 10 – Verse 40)
Indeed, who can understand? Who can know the full extent of His glories? It is not given to man. Ears have never heard it, eyes have never seen it, and the mouth has never spoken His greatness. The mind falls back, unable to grasp it. No one can describe the greatness of Him, who is the Self of all.
Whatever being there is, glorious, prosperous or powerful, know that it has sprung from a spark of My splendour. (Bhagavad Gita Chapter 10 – Verse 41)
Bhagavan, Ishvara, is the source of all power. Whatever we see great and good and beautiful in any creature anywhere, let us remember that it is a part of His greatness and goodness and beauty. ‘Do not, therefore, worship the unreal part in man, but worship Me in the person.’ There is the body and the Soul. The body has a beginning and it must have an end. The body must die. But the Soul dies not. The Soul stands apart from the body. Until one sees God, one cannot help believing that the Soul is the same as the body. The idea clings to the ignorant, who have not seen God. But to him who knows, it is plain that the Soul is not the same as the body.