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Bhagavad Gita Chapter X – Verse 18 And 19

O Janardana, tell me again in detail of Your yoga power and divine attributes, for I am never satiated in listening to (Your) words of nectar. (Bhagavad Gita Chapter X – Verse 18)

Bhagavan said: O best of the Kurus, I shall speak to you of My principal divine attributes, for there is no end to the vastness of My manifestations. (Bhagavad Gita Chapter X – Verse 19)

And then, being thus earnestly solicited Bhagvan answers Arjuna and helps him out of his difficulty.

Gladly does Sri Krishna comply with Arjuna’s request. ‘I shall speak to you of My divine attributes. But I shall tell you only the principal ones, for even in a whole lifetime I could not mention them all. There is no end to the vastness of My manifestations. My power is unlimited. It can never be told. First I will tell you about the Atman. That is the highest, that is My real Being, apart from the conceptions of men — the indwelling Spirit.