Kodakketti Daivathar theyyam, also known as Kodikkethi Daivathar theyyam, is a male theyyam performed during the annual kaliyattam thira theyyam festival in Kannur region of Kerala. As per information, this is a rare theyyam and appeared to help people of the region. Kodakketti Daivathar theyyam story is that of Him performing several miracles and show his supernatural powers.
This theyyam is noted for its huge headgear and he holds a cane. The theyyam is performed early morning hours.
Kodikkethi Daivathar theyyam blesses devotees with peace and prosperity. He is also worshipped for spiritual strength and to overcome enemies.
Kodikkethi Daivathar theyyam is performed at around 7 AM on November 1 at Taliparamaba Naduvil Ayyappa-Vanadurga Temple Vanadevatha sthanam in Kannur district of Kerala.