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Dreaming Of Sleeping On The Floor – Meaning

Dreaming of sleeping on the floor is a negative sign as per dream meaning and interpretation. The dream means you might face unexpected problems in life especially emotional, relationship related or financial. It is also a sign of unhappiness and internal conflict. Dreams of sleeping on the floor and it is in an unknown place means you might be kidnapped or there will be physical assault.

Dream of sleeping on the floor and you wake up terrified or sad means you will be forced to sleep in an unknown place. It also means friends playing prank on you. It also means shifting to a place with nothing to sleep. It also means temporary problems

Dream of sleeping on the floor and you are unable to clearly state what is happening is sign of getting drunk or substance abusing resulting in loss of mental stability. It is a warning sign and you should know what you are doing.

Dreaming of sleeping on the floor and there are other people means accident. It also means unwillingness of people to help you.

Dreams of sleeping on the floor and the place is known to you means sudden problems in life and you are unable to bear them.