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Dreaming Of Buying Donuts – Meaning

Dreaming of buying donuts is a good and positive sign as per dream meaning and interpretation. The dream means desire fulfillment, positive change in life, new job or better career options and happy occasion in the family. It also means spending time with people you love. Dreams of buying donuts and it is falling from your hand means misfortune or a happy occasion turning into a dreadful event.

Dream of buying colorful donuts is sign of marriage or new relationship. It also means new friendship and visiting places associated with food.

Dreaming of buying donuts from an unknown place indicates you will move away from current location and will be happy with the new place.

Dream of buying donuts and you are crying or sad means someone will go away from your life temporarily. The dream also means you will have to go away leaving friends and family for something better in life.

Dream of buying donuts and you are not seen in the dream means someone else will make important decisions in your life.