Dreaming of 11 o’clock is both positive and negative sign as per dream meaning and interpretation. Dream of 11 o’clock and you are happy or seen waiting means an important appointment in life will be fixed for 11 o’clock in the morning. But if you are see tensed or crying means you will get to hear bad news at 11 o’clock like death of someone or a loss of job. Dreams of 11 o’clock and the clock is not then moving means you will face serious accident or death in near future.
Dream of 11 o’clock and you see color and balloons means success and happiness. It means something very important will happen at 11 o’clock in your life. It also means freedom and change of luck.
Dreaming of 11 o’clock and you see strangers means you will have to hurry or rush for something at the time. It also means an interview or exam will be fixed at the time.
Dreams of 11 o’clock and you are seen sleeping means missing an important appointment.
Dream of 11 o’clock and there is light outside and you are seen in a strange place means vacation or taking time away from work.
Dream of 11 o’clock and there is darkness and you are worried means you will be late to get back home. It also means trapped in some strange place with not so friendly people.