Sarvartha Siddhi Yoga is a good time for all activities including investments, ceremonies like housewarming, opening of shops, buying, booking of cars etc. as per Hindu panchang and calendar, especially those followed in North India. Sarvartha Siddhi Yoga May 2024 dates as per Hindu Panchang:
Sarvartha Siddhi Yoga May 2024 Date And Time
sunrise to 6:06 PM on May 5sunrise to 3:06 PM on May 7
1:55 PM on May 8 to before sunrise on May 9
1:50 PM on May 13 to before sunrise on May 14
3:14 PM on May 14 to before sunrise on May 15
sunrise on May 19 to 3:02 AM on May 20
8:56 AM on May 23 to 10:00 AM on May 24
sunrise to 10:41 AM on May 26
It is believed that any auspicious event can be undertaken during the Sarvartha Siddhi Yoga as it nullifies the effect of any bad yoga or time present during the period.