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Pinarayi Kadan Rayaroth Khandakarnan Temple – Theyyam – Kaliyattam Festival

Pinarayi Kadan Rayaroth Khandakarnan temple is located at Pinarayi in Kannur district, Kerala. The shrine is dedicated to Khandakarnan and numerous other deities that are worshipped in tharavadu and kavu in the region. The annual theyyam – kaliyattam – thira festival is held for two days in Malayalam Makara Masam – Makaram 7 and Makaram 8 (January 21 and January 22).

The temple has a main small chathura sreekovil (square sanctum sanctorum). There are also other small square platforms and sreekovil for worshipping other deities.

Various agricultural products are offered to the deities during auspicious occasions. The most important day in a month is the sankranti. Vishu is another important festival here.

The important theyyams that are part of the annual kaliyattam festival are Karanavar theyyam, Bhairavan theyyam, Thekkan Gulikan theyyam, Khandakarnan theyyam and Vassorimala theyyam.