Dreaming of eating okra soup is a bad omen as per dream meaning and interpretation. The dream means you will have to face illness or put with something you do not like. It also means lack of peace and frustration. Dreams of eating okra soup and you are unhappy or irritated means you will have uninvited guests or return of an irritating character back to your life.
Dream of eating okra soup and you are seen drinking it happily means you will decide to do something you like. It also means taking bold decisions. It also means changing your eating habits to overcome an illness.
Dreaming of eating okra soup and you see other people means going for a party or get together. It also means having food that is not part of your routine.
Dreams of eating okra soup and it is spreading all around means you will have to lot of hard work. It also means fun getting out of hand and resulting in fight.
Dream of eating okra soup and you are vomiting or spitting it out means you will have to prepare hard for success in near future.
Dreaming of eating okra soup and you are seen throwing it away means missed opportunity.