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Bhagavad Gita Chapter IX Verse 28

Thus you will be freed from the bondage of actions that bear good and evil results, and with the heart steadfastly engaged in this yoga of renunciation, liberated, you will come to Me. (Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 verse 28).

This practice of offering everything to Bhagavan is called sannyasa yoga, the yoga of renunciation. It purifies the heart and frees us from the bondage that follows all actions good and bad, because there is no desire to reap any fruit from the action, the whole life being offered to God.

Otherwise every act good or bad causes bondage. Every deed, word or thought is like a seed planted in our life and the fruit will come in time, sweet or bitter. A golden chain binds as much as an iron chain. Good deeds bind as well as evil deeds, unless these good deeds are performed to please God or in obedience to His command. Then we can perform the deeds, but we are not attached to the outcome of the act. Such deeds cannot bind us to earth. The fruit has been renounced by offering it to God. Our deeds are then like a rope that is burnt. It still looks like a rope, but nothing can be bound with it. Thus, we work out our karma. Thus, we pay karma’s debts. Then the soul is free, free even while living in the body. And when the body is laid aside, the soul is reunited with God.

The highest life that man can live is a life in which every act, every thought, every word is dedicated to God. What do we mean by that? Is it possible to live such a life? We all know that when we love a person intensely, few moments of the day pass by when the beloved one does not live in our consciousness. No matter what we do, no matter how we are occupied, that picture so dear to us is before our mental eye. We live constantly in the presence of such a person though physically we maybe far away. The relationship between the bhakta and his God is just like that. He cannot help thinking of his Beloved. His thoughts go towards Him without any effort; love draws them there. And every act we perform while our mind lovingly goes towards Bhagavan is an act dedicated to Him. For then it becomes impossible to do things which we know will displease Him. We cannot think of the One whom we love and then deliberately do an act that we know would greatly grieve Him. That would be insincerity. And therefore this practice of living in the presence of God is such a great help in our daily life to keep us from what is wrong and to incite us to noble and virtuous deeds. It will give a beautiful colour to our whole existence. We cannot then utter unkind words, we cannot cause sorrow to others willingly, we cannot harbour undesirable thoughts, we cannot but do such acts as we know will be pleasing to God.