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Chathayam Nakshatra 2023 Predictions Based On Malayalam Nakshatram Kerala Astrology

Chathayam Nakshatra 2023 predictions are based on Malayalam Nakshatram or birth star Kerala astrology. As per Chathayam nakshatram phalam 2023, people born in this nakshatra will face job related problems this year. There will be severe career issues.  Good months are January, March, June, August and December 2023. July, September and November 2023 are bad months. February, April, May and October 2023 will be stagnant period with not much gain.

Avoid plans of quitting the present job and trying for a new one. Some of you will be taking up further studies for gaining promotion and moving ahead in career. Avoid taking rebellious stand and learn to move ahead by accepting reality. You will be forced take up the job responsibilities of your colleagues. Business people will face some tough situations during the first quarter. Some of you will be getting new jobs this year mostly a not desired one. You will face a series of delays in government job matters. Those looking for job abroad will be forced to drop plans or wait longer due to policy change and new government rules. Those looking for migration will face delays and document problems.

You need to be careful with your financial transactions. Those having an additional job might find it hard to maintain both of them. There will be more spending than income during the first quarter of the year. Those looking to build new home will start it after some initial hiccups. You will be able to settle outstanding financial disputes. There will be an unexpected financial gain. You will be forced to stop funding your children as they are not utilizing it properly.

Students will show laziness and lack of interest. There will be some frustrating results for the student community.

Relatives might turn foes due to not providing help. There will be unwanted fears and lack of mental strength. Bad friendships might cause some scandals and gossips. Death of someone you loved will comeback as a shock.

Parents might have some health trouble. Some of you will be giving up a bad habit. A health issue might keep you out of job for some period.

Be careful with what you talk and avoid arguments. Siblings will be of help this year.

Marriage talks and other related matters might run into problems. Romance and love related matters will face roadblock. Good year for those looking to remarry. You will meet your old lover.

Travels will be hectic but successful. Not a great year for those looking to travel abroad especially for profits or change of job.