Chala Meppoyil Bhagavathi temple is located near Chala in Kannur district, Kerala. This is a small kavu or family owned shrine dedicated to Goddess Bhagavathi. The annual theyyam kaliyattam festival is held on Malayalam Masam Makaram 13 and Makaram 14 (January 27 and January 28).
The main shrine is a chathura sreekovil. There are numerous other small open shrines dedicated to subsidiary deities. The rituals and pujas that are part of tharavadu kavukal in Kannur and Kasaragod area are performed in the temple.
Important theyyams performed at Chala Meppoyil Bhagavathi temple are Elladath Bhagavathy theyyam, Karanavar, Thekkan Gulikan and Thekkan Kariyathan.